Divert to Mobile - Good Branding Will Bring You Success

Divert to Mobile on how branding will make you a success

Many new companies are built without much thought about their branding. But branding does impact your business revenue. Here is a story about how the correct brand will pull you out of the sales wilderness, send your customer engagement levels through the roof and put you on the path to success.

Divert to Mobile’s story begins in 2006

Steve built his own customised phone system to scratch his own itch. He reaped the benefits of his custom built phone system for the following three years. Never once did it occur to him that he should form a business around this phone system until one day in 2009.

Steve had just dropped his wife off at a course and was madly rushing back to the office so he could get back to consulting work. But on the way he realised that his business calls would be delivered to his mobile anyway - thanks to the customised phone system. It was while reflecting on his phone diverting system that Steve realised that he “should redesign my phone system as a product and sell it” so that other business owners could have the same freedom.

Getting Your First Customers

Long before Divert to Mobile, Steve had IT consulting gigs with a few clients. They became his first customers. He asked them all “Why was it that you signed up?” and found that they really wanted a landline number for their business. Armed with that critical piece of information - what customers really want - he tried his hand at direct mail advertising and printed 1000 flyers. It worked. The orders came in. Steve had a repeatable process for getting new business using direct mail.

Branding Is An Important Part of Your Success

Steve says the hardest part for new companies is education and awareness. When you start out, customers don’t know about you at all (awareness of you is zero) and if they do find you, they don’t know what you do.

Steve’s first company iteration used a brand (not the current Divert to Mobile brand) which didn’t really communicate the product and what it could do for the customer. Accordingly his awareness remained low and educating potential customers about the product was very difficult.

One and a half years in, Steve decided on a re-brand. This time he built it around his core product: Divert to Mobile. The rebrand has measureably improved both company awareness (through Google searches) and educating potential customers. Now it is immediately clear to customers how Divert to Mobile could help them.

Make Life Easy On Yourself: Develop A Brand

Don’t do business the hard way. Develop a brand that says what your company can do for your customer. You will work less for every sale because your brand is building your awareness and educating customers - even while you sleep.

About Divert to Mobile

Small business can advertise a landline number but receive calls to their mobile. Steve’s customers are from a wide range of industries:

  • Plumbers use it because they didn’t want to be talked down on price by customers with their direct mobile number
  • Virtual Assistants use it so that every client has a unique landline, but the assistant need only answer a single phone
  • Teachers use it as a disposable number so that students can call without learning their personal mobile phone number; and
  • Steve himself uses it so that business calls are put through during the day and to a voice mail message (which is emailed as an mp3 file) at night.

Say hi to Steve at Divert To Mobile.